The leading activity carried out by CAMS is the one concerning the production of tools used mainly in the automotive area, where the production level is quite high.

In our internal departments, we build tools with lengths up to 3,500 mm.

Thanks to our great passion and experience in the business, thanks to the preparation of our technicians and qualified operators, we are able to fully satisfy the customer’s needs. To the base of a single request, we carry out a feasibility analysis and define the method, then create the prototype, design the tools and finally take care of the production of the parts through our subsidiary LA Tecnomeccanica Sud Spa.

In our workshop we realize all the details of the tools through our CNC machines and apply the required heat treatments using special ovens. The tool is then assembled in the assembly department and tested on our presses.

Test and quality control

The pieces made up in the testing phases are subjected to deep careful checks in the test and quality control laboratories. Our technical staff submits samples of pieces to various advanced measurement systems with or without contact.

The tool can be used by the customer in their own plants or we can take

Deep drawing tools

It is the type of tool that we used to forming the sheet with complex details.

 Before the design, the technical department carries out the feasibility analysis using the AUTOFORM simulator.

Progressive tools

High volume production tool. Our experience allows us to study and define the method and the various steps of the tool in all operations.

Transfer tools

These are multi-station tools for automotive and household appliances applications, where the pieces to be realized are very complex and with high production volumes.

MQ. of working spaces

Annual design working hours

Years of experience

Specialized employees